solar eclipse

Annular Eclipse (Oct. 14, 2023)

I guess I should have reminded you before the day of the eclipse, but I suspect most readers here were well aware of it, and/or unable to see it.  Although complete annularity was visible from my home in Santa Fe, I decided to drive an hour south to be close to the centerline.  In a total eclipse you want to be close to the centerline to get the longest period of time in totality.  In an annular eclipse this is also true, but perhaps the more important consideration is that the Moon passes through the center of the Sun, so […]

(A Sort of) First Light

It must be about a year since I last posted here.  Much of that period was consumed by my move from Vancouver, WA to Santa Fe, NM.  We’ve been in our new home for almost 6 months now, and I’m just getting started on building an observatory in the backyard.  Until a few days ago, I hadn’t even set up a telescope here, although I have brought ‘scopes to several public outreach events with the Santa Fe Stargazers (SFS).  But there is an annular solar eclipse coming up in a few weeks, and since I haven’t done any solar imaging […]