Triangulum Galaxy


M33 is located in the Triangulum constellation. It is sometimes called the Pinwheel Galaxy, but that name is also used for M101, so Triangulum is preferred. It is about 2,700 light years from Earth.

This image is a combination of LRGB data captured at a dark sky site and hydrogen-alpha data captured at Wa-chur-ed Observatory. The H-alpha data enhances the bright red regions.

Scope: AP 142 at f/7.5
Mount: AP Mach1GTO
Camera: QSI 583 at –15C
Exposure: LRGB+H-a, 4 hrs 50 mins total

About Greg Marshall

I am a retired electronics engineer and after a few months of enjoying my leisure I began to miss doing product development. My astronomy hobby always needed new solutions to unique problems, so I decided that whenever I came up with a good solution I would try to make it available to others.

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