Monthly Archives: May 2021

Astrophotography Video

My favorite site for astrophotography is Skyview Acres in Goldendale, WA.  Because of the pandemic we had only 2 star parties there last year.  Konstantin Mos was at one of these events and made a short video about his interest in the hobby, using footage from both a drone and the ground.  You won’t see me in the video, but you might recognize my AP setup – or my motorhome.  And one of the astrophotos he included is from me as well.  The video will give you some sense of what these star parties are like, so have a look:

The Music Series

In my last post I explained what flat calibration is and what is required to make it work. In this post I will introduce my solution to the problem, “Ab Light”: The name (in case it isn’t obvious) is a small pun based on my interest in music. “Ab” is read as “A flat”, and this is ‘a flat light’. Ab Light (abbreviated AbL) is based on LED technology, with a light pipe made of a special type of acrylic that is designed to provide even illumination when lit from the edges. I used the same material for the illumination […]