
Reminder: Shower

Not “take a shower”, but that there will be a meteor shower tonight, Dec. 13.  The Geminids are usually one of the best meteor showers of the year, so you don’t want to miss it, if possible.  Of course, it will be very cloudy here in the Pacific Northwest, but if it’s clear where you are, get outside tonight and look toward the east.  The meteors will appear to come from the constellation Gemini, just to the left of Orion (in North America).  

Geminids Meteor Shower: Best or Bust

The Geminids Meteor Shower is often one of the best each year.  The rate of meteors is high and they are relatively slow moving, thus giving you more time to see them.  Furthermore, since they happen in early December, the sky gets dark much earlier, so you don’t have to stay up very late to see them (especially good for young children).  And this year the peak of the shower (Dec. 13-14) falls near the New Moon, so the sky will be very dark. On the other hand, meteors are fun to watch in a relaxed, comfortable manner, while the […]